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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Well, I tried!

To workout, that is! I did try, I swear. I searched all over for that stupid cord that came with my treadmill, all ready to start my free 30 day trial to ifit! Well, I didn't find the cord, but does searching for it count as a workout? I suppose I'll have to buy a new one!

I did find the cord that connects my camera to my computer, so I was able to upload my pics even without my printer that has the memory card slot (which is at the quilt shop). I hope you enjoy our Christmas slideshow. Here's to a happy 2008!

I am also posting the promised picture of us at New Year's Eve. In another life (you know, the one where I don't have a husband or kids, I drive a sports car, and I go the gym regularly) I wouldn't be caught dead in that hat. However, having kids makes you do all sorts of dorky things you otherwise wouldn't think of!

Our Christmas 2007 Slideshow

Funny Things Kids Say (My kids, anyways)

I wanted to share a couple funny things to brighten your day, they sure brightened mine.

First, Christmas Day, which I'm so happy I caught on our video camera so we can enjoy it for years to come. This year, my middle daughter Kylee was opening her presents. It was hectic and noisy with the sound of ripping paper as all 3 kids tore into their gifts, when suddenly Kylee proclaims loudly, "I just keep getting luckier and luckier!" She was professing her joy over the "Littlest Pet Shop" playground she'd just opened. The way she said it made Monte and I laugh, and I'm sure we'll laugh every time we watch the video. It reminds me so much of the funny family video we watch when we need a good laugh. That other family video involves a similar incident, only this time it was my sister and her excitement over a Billy Ray Cyrus poster!

And then there's Will, my doctor in training. He is still young enough to seriously and whole-heartedly believe anything I tell him. So, since we've talked a lot about washing your hands, and germs, etc. he is an avid hand washer and always uses soap. Kylee, on the other hand, never went through the stage where she believed everything I say, and will sneak out without washing every time!
The other day, I was leaving for work when Will wanted help putting his new Geotrax train set together. Kylee was in the bathroom, so I stopped on my way out and asked her through the door if she could help Will when she got out. Will stood behind me listening. Since I was running late, and couldn't stay to be the bathroom police, I added, "Be sure to flush and wash when you're done." Then, so unexpectedly, Will adds behind me, "Yeah, I don't want any yucky stuff on my Geotrax!" I laughed all the way to work, and I still laugh every time I think about it! Oh, how I wish he would stay so gullible to whatever I say forever!

Since I've bragged about my youngest children, I have to add that Bailey is no dummy herself. Right now, she is hard at work on her invention for science class--A microwave oven that prepares any food you like, Star Trek style! It's called the "Microwavonaitor," and it is voice activated--very high tech! Some day when she's a millionaire maybe she'll take care of her dear old mom!

Slowly but Surely....well, not quite

One of my New Years' Resolutions is to see the carpet under my quilting machine before the end of this year! Well, I was feeling pretty good about it for a day or so. I finished 3 quilts, one per day, in 3 days. Looks like I might be catching up, right??? Well, the universe doesn't work that way! By the end of this week, I have taken in 3 more quilts. Although it is good to get some of the older ones done, it sure doesn't feel like I'm making any head way on my resolution! And that quilt I made for my bed? The one that was going to look so beautiful on my bed as soon as we moved in (in August)? Well, it's still in the closet, unquilted and waiting patiently for the day that may never come. It's a good thing I love quilting or I could start to hate it!

On another note, one of my other loves is back, much to my husband's dismay. A new season of Stargate Atlantis started Friday night, so now I will spend every Friday night in from of the television, snarling at anyone who dares to interrupt! Yes, I know I have quilting to do, but this hour is sacred! It's not my fault, blame it on all those years of watching Star Trek with my dad!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The miracle of a good hair cut!

Today is a good day, my what a good hair cut can do! Or, is it the fact that my 3 kids stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house last night? Either way, I happen to be in a good mood today. The house was so quiet yesterday afternoon. How often do I get the afternoon off from the store, and have no kids? Hmmmmm....Try NEVER!!! So what do I do? I leave and go get my hair cut. Granted, it has been in desparate need of a new style in forever, but it was hard to leave such a peaceful house knowing that it will be back to wild and noisy tonight! However, it was worth it. Even if I did buy a ridiculously expensive curling iron and special "serum" to tame the frizzies!
After commenting that my hair looked "fine," Monte proceeded to loudly state that he couldn't believe I had bought a curling iron, when I had just told him no more stops at the mini-mart until payday. OK, so I might have told him that. But really, let's get our priorities straight. Breakfast burrito / Curling Iron.......which is more important, really???

The online orders for my store have been busy this week, which is comforting and encouraging. It is so nice to know that other people like my stuff as much as I do. I buy inventory based on my own tastes, so I tend to take it personally when it doesn't sell as quickly as I would like! At least for today, things are looking good.

My goal for the rest of today is to get as much done as possible before the 3 tornadoes hit my house again. It is funny how I can miss them and dread their return all at the same time. As soon as I remember to bring my camera to work, I will upload a picture of us from New Year's Eve. Watch for it soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to the Grind!

Well, the holidays are over, and it feels good and bad at the same time! It feels good to be back to work, and hopefully get into a schedule again! I didn't get near as much quilting done as I had hoped I would, but things are slowly getting done! I did manage to quilt a couple tablerunners for the shop, both from the Moda line Mix & Mingle. They are both super fast projects to piece, and they look great! I am still plugging away at my Shaker Ladder quilt. I add a couple strips whenever I have a few minutes, but I've had trouble making myself sit and work on it for any extended period of time!
It does feel sad that the holidays are over. It's always sad when my sister and her family have to go home, we miss them since they live in Salt Lake City and we only see them a few times a year! I will also be sad and happy to send my kids back to school! Sad, because it's been really nice to come into work and not have to get them ready and off to school first, and happy because they really are driving me crazy being home all the time!!!!
I can't wait to break into the new quilt kit from the Choco Latte fabric line! I have been hoarding it for myself, not giving it to anyone else to piece for me! Silly, I know, since I already have 5 or so projects in the works, but I love that fabric and really want to make it! I did break down and give the Flirtations Valentines projects to a friend to make, so that's progress, right?
As for New Year's resolutions, right now I am concentrating on losing a few before my husband and I go to Jamaica in April. All that fudge doesn't seem so great anymore......