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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Runway Apron

Tonight, I lacked the correct size batting for the next quilt to hit my long arm. So, I decided to sit down and finish a UFO for the quilt shop. The result is this cute little number, "The Runway Apron", modeled by Bailey.

And yes, she does have shorts on under there. (She made me promise to point that out)

I really like it, but I'm thinking about adding some buttons down the center top.  What do you think?

Super Exciting News!

OK, let's get this out of the way first.  If you live in Deary, this might not be "Super Exciting News."  I realize that, and I do regret that this might be sad for some of you.  Truth be told, I'm a little sad about it myself, because I really like being in the old Deary Church, and I have family in Deary that I won't see nearly as often.

Ok, so maybe there are some people that won't be so sad.  Being the Crazy For Quilting resident handy-man isn't my dad's favorite job, even if he is super fantastic at it! I suppose he might be getting ready to throw a little party of his own...

Even so, I am really excited about the fact that I will have so much more time and opportunity to improve the store!  What am I talking about?


Yep, the quilt shop is moving into my home town, Potlatch, ID.  I grew up here, and I live here (again), and I can't wait to be so close to home!  Not to mention that the new location holds many opportunities for Fantastic Quilting Fun, which I just might make my new tag line!  Plus, Kylee, my Crazy Quilter in Training, loves to help at the store and is excited that she will be able to spend time there during the week.  All around, it promises to be a great change for us all!

I'll be spending a lot of September moving and organizing.  Be sure to keep track of our moving progress by checking our store website, signing up for email news, and "liking" us on FaceBook! All of these can be done from our homepage

Now, back to packing for the St. Maries Quilt Show!