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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Garden Friends & Other Quilting

I love this quilt! Block 1 is pictured in my post from a couple days ago on applique. I finished block 2 this morning, and will probably have block 3 done this afternoon. I fell in love with this quilt at Fall Quilt Market, and have been waiting since to make it! Best of all, it seems to be going together easier and faster than the Strawberry Faire quilt. There are less embellishments and unconventional technique in Garden Friends, which is probably why it's going so well.
I moved Garden Friends up to my "Current Projects" list (Yeah!), and to be fair, I should remove Gathering Leaves. I passed that one off to a couple other people, my mom is finishing it up right now.
I'm also not doing too bad on quilting lately. I finished 3 this past week, not the 7 I hope for, but still not bad! Maybe there's hope yet. I'd love to get caught up far enough to do some of my own, but it will be another week at least before I feel comfortable doing that. Just when I start to see the light, I usually get hit with a new wave of quilts. I do have to get busy before the quilt show in Moscow this April, if I hope to use any of them in my booth!

I'll leave you with another recipe I tried out Thursday night. Simply Lasagna was easy to make, and it was really good. The only change I would make is to leave the top noodles off, or put more sauce on top of them. They were still crunchy around the edges. Other than that, great dinner, and it made enough for 2 nights! A night off from cooking = more quilting, which is always good!

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