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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Project Overload

Coming back from Quilt Market always leaves me on overload. There are so many projects, and not nearly enough time to make them all. I'm not a patient person, and I just want them all done NOW! If I was rich enough to pay people to make them, I could keep a small quilting army busy full-time. Too bad I'm not!
This time of night, my eyes get too tired to quilt. Here is a peak at what I'm quilting right now, Makin' the Cut.
And now, I'm going to attempt to update my current projects and future projects list. This could take a while........

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