I've been slacking this week on the blog. It's Bee Bop Shop Hop week, which has me and my mom working some nasty hours. I must say, I'm resenting missing the lake this weekend, since we're expecting some long awaited 80 degree weather! I guess I'll get over it, after I stew about it all weekend!
I've been trying to keep up with the quilting around here, but as usual it's a losing battle on my part. My Birdie Sling is still in pieces, and my Sunday Dinner Apron is missing the buttons. I have managed to kick out a few more basket blocks, so watch for a picture of the next 3 blocks coming soon!
My sister and I took the kids to the pool yesterday. The kids had fun, but it was a little cool and breezy so after an hour they were done. Afterwards, I spent a small fortune on groceries which won't go half as far as they should at our house!
Here are some things that have been on my mind lately:
The patterns for the
Lotus Tunic arrived this week, along with some other great wearables. I created a new catagory just for these kinds of patterns. You can view them all under
Patterns in the online catalog. As if I don't have enough projects, I've been lusting over Amy Butler patterns lately!
My goal is to have my basket BOM quilt made by next Thursday to show at Moda U. I'm half way done with the blocks, and I'm having a hard time choosing sashing and borders. There are some great color combinations available in the Wee Play line, so I'm waiting to choose until all my blocks are done.
At my physical last week I had to get a Tetanus shot. Turns out I'm a total wimp, because it left my arm slightly swollen and very sore for 3 days afterward! I also learned my "ideal" weight is 120 pounds, and since my 11 year old daughter weighs close to that, I'm pretty sure if I weighed 120 pounds I'd fall over from lack of muscular capacity. Let's just say I don't exactly weigh 120 pounds, (but I might have.......back in 5th grade) and leave it at that!