Terry Atkinson has come up with a new club centered around quilting, learning, and fun. "The Groovy Girls' Club" will be offered through The Crazy Quilter beginning in September. I don't have all the details lined out yet, but here is what I CAN tell you for sure:
*Club Members will meet once a month for a fun lesson on a new technique. (The first month involves zippers) There will be free patterns and lessons relating to each month's pattern.
*The club day and time is yet to be determined. Membership and all benefits are available in store only. Sorry distance followers, this is a rule of the club and not my rule!
*Members will have exclusive dibs on these projects and lessons. They WILL NOT be offered outside of the meeting!
*Fun, easy, inexpensive kits will be available for members featuring the monthly projects.
*There will be a small monthly fee to cover the costs of copies, snacks, etc. While I haven't crunched any numbers yet, this will be quite affordable. I aim to keep it under $5/meeting.
*As of now, the club will run for 6 months. Should Atkinson Designs choose to extend it before then or run it for another 6 month period, I will let you know!
More details to follow!