These days my exercise loving alter ego seems to have taken over. Never was this more clear than yesterday afternoon. The new Holly Taylor fabric,
Natural Garden, arrived around 1:00.
I LOVE new fabric. Usually I can't wait to bust into the boxes and start ooohing and ahhhhing. However, since I went straight home at noon and started quilting in a futile attempt to catch up before vacation week, I hadn't yet worked out. (Which, believe it or not, I do every day now) When my mom called to tell me the fabric was here and did I want to come down and help put it away and ship preorders, I heard myself say, "Yes, but I have to work out first."
What???? Wait a minute, did I really just say that??? Apparently I did, even though a voice in my head was going, "What is WRONG with you?! There's new fabric in the shop!!!"
I did work out, and then I did go to the shop and pet the new fabrics. Then, when I got home, I did another 45 minutes of cardio since I'd been distracted earlier and didn't quite feel like I'd gotten a real work out. Yes, sick, I know. If I don't get my workout in I get cranky. At least according to Monte, who said Sunday in response to my request that he entertain the kids for an hour, "Come on kids, your Mom's working out and if she doesn't get it done I'll hear about it all day."
Yesterday, my younger 2 decided they'd join me. Will was especially getting into it when he got a little too close and took a kick from me to the head. Whoops! He wasn't hurt, but he did stand back for the rest of the time! Still it didn't stop he and Kylee from trying to follow along, which was quite entertaining to say the least. Even so, I think I'll try to get my work outs in before school gets out from now on!