I got next to nothing done today. Why? My hair.
My hair and I have a long and sordid history. All because of the cruel joke that is genetics. Of my parents' 3 kids, I got the hair. Not just any hair, but my Dad's hair. Big, black, curly, physco hair that has a mind of it's own. Totally manageable if you're my bald since 20 Dad, not so simple if you're me. I must admit, with my family's history of baldness, both male and female, I am happy at this point to still have hair, of any kind. (Monte claims he'll leave if I go bald) However, it took me a long time to make peace with my genetic (mis) fortune.
I was born in the 80's. Turns out this was the perfect time period for me. Big hair? No problem! My hair could have been as popular in the 80's as Jennifer Aniston's hair in the 90's. Too bad the 80's were so short. Since then, I've spent thousands on hair gel, straightening irons, and anything that says "anti-frizz." The best straightening iron I've ever used I bought from an infomercial, featuring a middle aged man with a pony tail and a European accent, for a large price tag!
My hair earned me the nick-name of "poodle" early on in school. And who can blame them? I must admit, "poodle" is kind if you've seen my 6th grade class picture. Think "poodle stuck it's paw in a light socket," and you know what I'm talking about. Not a great nick-name to live through school with!
As an adult, I've finally made peace with my hair, or so I thought. Turns out, my hair has different plans. This year, it started turning gray. Instead of "poodle," it was leaning more towards
Lily Munster. Yikes!
Which leads me to why I got nothing done today. Overcoming phsyco hair was hard enough, but gray psycho hair I just can't take! So I spent 3 hours getting my hair dyed and highlighted today. Exhausting! I'm still not sure I can keep this up every 6-8 weeks, no matter how badly I hate the gray. Looking in the mirror to highlights will also take some getting used to. I'm not sure it was the best choice for me. My skin is so pale, if my hair gets any lighter I'll be invisible against anything white.
For now, I'm dyed, highlighted, and as curly as ever. For the next 8 weeks, I'll be back to quilting fast and furiously. After that, who knows? I saw jumpers last weekend in Old Navy like I had as a kid. Maybe big hair will come back next!