Don't forget to keep checking the
New Additions page, as I continue to add in new stuff from Market. A lot of the things I found I had to order, so as they arrive in-store they will be added to the website.
Also, if you're at all interested in Block-of-the-Months, check that category out and watch for new additions. I have a few more programs to add to it, and all of them are available by mail as well as in-store. By the way....I saw the newest
kitty at Market, and it's a fabulous broccoli cat. It's so new it's not even on the website yet!
I have lots of new pics of the Piece, Love & Applique quilt, which I worked on a lot this past holiday weekend! I am nearly finished with the quilt center, so watch for pics later today.
Also watch the
News and Classes page, as I am updating it for Summer this week, complete with a Summer class schedule including a Kids' Quilt Camp in July!
And, now for the best part.......
Are you ready??? It's really good......
After June 11th, I am officially unemployed again.
What, you say? How is that a
GOOD thing??
Well...OK, it's not. At least, not if you're my checkbook.
And, I must admit, it wasn't an easy decision, and there are a lot of factors that led up to it. Many of which won't fit into this blog post, and all combined wouldn't fit into a made-for-tv movie.'s a very good thing if you're a Crazy Quilter customer! It means more projects, more products, more classes, more quilting, more website updates, and more blogging.
I have lots of great, fantastic plans for the shop. And yes, I know I always have great, fantastic plans, many of which fizzle and die, or crash and burn. Yet, I continue to make more plans. I know, I'm a sucker, or a glutton for punishment, or just plain stupid. However, I can't help myself.
Watch for a Crazy Quilter newsletter soon with some new details on classes, BOM's, and such. If you're not on the mailing list, shame on you! You should
sign up right now!