First, I helped Bailey get into her Cowgirl gear. This week is homecoming week, and today was "Western Day." Since Bailey lacks all of the self-consciousness I had in high school, I am taking full advantage of having a little fun and living vicariously through her. I didn't think far enough ahead to procure a horse for her to ride to school, so I drove her instead. Apparently Grandpa's Chaps weren't very comfortable for walking!
When everyone was gone, I vacuumed and did some other miscellaneous housework. But...since the kids had popcorn tonight while they watched Ghostbusters it's a little late for a picture of that.
Next, I finished putting the borders on my Night Owl table topper, which I have kits of in the store. I have been carrying the cut pieces of this quilt back and forth from store to home for about 6 weeks now, so this is a major victory!
Then, I did some quilting on the long arm.
After that, I felt like baking, so I made some rosemary bread to go with dinner. I wish I had a picture of how pretty it looked before I cut it up. Here is all that is left, safely sealed away so that Charlie actually gets to have some before I.....I mean the it all.
Since I had baking on the brain, I decided to tackle the baked potato/tortilla steamer pattern that just came last week. It was super fast and easy, so in less than an hour I had it done!
After dinner, it was almost time for Bailey's volleyball game. I had just enough time to prepare some fusible shapes for her costume tomorrow, which Kylee and I cut out at the game. Tomorrow is "Super Hero Day." Can you guess what Bailey's going to be?
They don't allow guns in school. Even super cheesy guns that only shoot ghost-sucking plasma rays. So, I had to think of a different prop.
After the game, and after I finished the costume, watched Ghostbusters with the kids, and tucked them into bed, I whipped up another Easy Striped Tablerunner. This time I used fabric from the Tangled Threads fabric line by Whimsicals.
Wow, I sure wish every day could be like today. Now I can relax with a glass of wine, because I sure earned it!