Farewell, my 5 year old Toshiba laptop. It's been nice working with you. I promise to give you a break, and only request the occasional performance when I require a backup for travel and home. You have served your purpose well. I know I bought you, poor little Toshiba, with the sole intent of Internet access for online classes. I know I promised not to clog your memory with music and pictures, and not to require too much speed and agility from you. I realize I have not kept my promises. I know you have corn-nut dust under your keys. I know that your keyboard was maimed by a certain crazy little boy, and you have been overworked by me, The Crazy Quilter, and two girls with a passion for online games featuring Bratz and Barbies. I promise to give you an honorable retirement at my home, where you can display girly games to your heart's content.
Greetings, new, beautiful Dell desktop, with your sleek flat screen monitor and your functioning mouse. I am pleased to meet you and can't wait to see all that you can help me with. I promise to keep aforementioned crazy little boy away from you. I promise to prevent you from being subjected to all sorts of online games featuring glammed up girl dolls. I promise to confine all of my music and pictures to a separate memory stick. In return, I request that you work quickly and silently. I ask that you not display the "USB device not recognized" message every time you go into hibernation, making it impossible to print shipping labels and pushing me to make the post office deadline. Thank you, dear desktop, for arriving so timely, working so perfectly, and taking up so little space on my small desk. By the way, I love the current news and weather display on my desktop screen. Very cool! I know we will make a lovely team!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Ta-Da! Garden Friends
Friday, March 21, 2008
Why Monte Shouldn't Golf
My husband, Monte, has golfed less than 5 times since I've known him. This doesn't stop him from thinking he's a real golfer. He used to ask for a set of golf clubs every time there was a gift giving occassion. (Christmas, birthday, Father's Day, etc.) Finally, he realized that they just weren't coming, since I refuse to spend hundreds on something that will be used less than once a year.
So, imagine his joy when Monte happened to be dumping a load of garbage at the same time someone else happened to toss their old set of golf clubs. Instead, the golf clubs ended up coming home with Monte, who was totally pleased with himself at his good fortune. (By the way, one of those same golf clubs put the dents in our laundry room door)
Surprise! Those golf clubs have never been used since. And yet, the only thing Monte and my brother wanted to do while we were in Salt Lake City was go golfing. (My brother golfs about as much as my husband) So, the guys headed to the golf course for the day.
I've never golfed myself, but apparantly there's some kind of contraption used to wash golf balls. Proving that he shouldn't pretend to be a golfer, while using the golf ball washer, Monte turned to my brother in front of a group of other golfers, and without realizing what he was about to say, asked "Hey, want me to wash your balls?"
So, imagine his joy when Monte happened to be dumping a load of garbage at the same time someone else happened to toss their old set of golf clubs. Instead, the golf clubs ended up coming home with Monte, who was totally pleased with himself at his good fortune. (By the way, one of those same golf clubs put the dents in our laundry room door)
Surprise! Those golf clubs have never been used since. And yet, the only thing Monte and my brother wanted to do while we were in Salt Lake City was go golfing. (My brother golfs about as much as my husband) So, the guys headed to the golf course for the day.
I've never golfed myself, but apparantly there's some kind of contraption used to wash golf balls. Proving that he shouldn't pretend to be a golfer, while using the golf ball washer, Monte turned to my brother in front of a group of other golfers, and without realizing what he was about to say, asked "Hey, want me to wash your balls?"
OK, I give up!
This is me, waving the white flag, at whoever wrote the pattern for the At Water's Edge quilt! I have spent the last two frustrating mornings trying to figure out what I'm missing, with no success. Since I don't give up easily, I will probably spend tomorrow morning trying to figure out how to change the pattern so that it actually works.
The blocks that are made up of 2, 1/2 rectangles sewn together are what's holding me up. The pattern says to square them up after making them, but in order to cut them down to the right size, you end up entirely cutting off the points. This means that my quilt is going to look funny because instead of forming points, the rectangle pieces are going to be flat on each end. No matter which way I cut it, the result is the same.
I guess these patterns are free for a reason! By the time I've figured out how to fix it, the fabric will probably be gone. Wish me luck!
The blocks that are made up of 2, 1/2 rectangles sewn together are what's holding me up. The pattern says to square them up after making them, but in order to cut them down to the right size, you end up entirely cutting off the points. This means that my quilt is going to look funny because instead of forming points, the rectangle pieces are going to be flat on each end. No matter which way I cut it, the result is the same.
I guess these patterns are free for a reason! By the time I've figured out how to fix it, the fabric will probably be gone. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
So Much To Do, So Little Time!
That's the motto for the next few weeks! I finished quilting Garden Friends last night, after standing at the quilting machine so long my legs felt like jello. Today I'm jumping right into the next project, a quilt I'm designing to make full use of the beautiful border prints in the At Water's Edge fabrics. I never veer off the path of using a pattern, so this is new for me. However, this fabric is so gorgeous it calls for just the perfect project. Hopefully, it will be mine! It all goes well, I will post a picture of my finished quilt top soon.
This morning turned out to be a repeat of Monday morning. Kylee's spoon was too big at breakfast, I wouldn't let her take her doodle bear to school, her socks were "too big and bumpy," and she departed for the bus with an endearing "I hate you." Today's the last day of school before Spring Break, and boy I can't wait until that girl gets some good, long sleep!
This morning turned out to be a repeat of Monday morning. Kylee's spoon was too big at breakfast, I wouldn't let her take her doodle bear to school, her socks were "too big and bumpy," and she departed for the bus with an endearing "I hate you." Today's the last day of school before Spring Break, and boy I can't wait until that girl gets some good, long sleep!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Dear Hubby Fixes Quilt Machine
I'm almost 1/2 way done quilting Garden Friends, but had to take a break last night for Monte to fix my one-stitch button. This button is a life saver. I would have blisters on my fingers if I had to roll the wheel by hand to tie off my threads! My button has been on the fritz for a few weeks now, and last night if finally quit completely.
Fixing the button entails detatching the handlebars from the main machine, removing the old button, and re-saudering a new one on before putting everything back together. If the thought of Monte operating a sauder gun anywhere near my machine makes you nervous, you're not the only one! However, I must say he did a very nice job and so far the button is working perfectly.
Monte was rather agreeable about fixing it, probably because fixing anything at our house means purchasing yet another tool we don't have, because apparantly there's always another tool we miraculously haven't purchased yet. Of course, Monte had to get a sauder gun. Plus, as he was fixing it he casually mentioned that he might stop today and purchase a new pair of pliers because his were getting "worn out." In the interests of keeping the peace, I decided not to point out that he has a drawer full of other pairs of pliers in the garage that work perfectly.
Oh well, he has his tools and I have my quilts, right?
Fixing the button entails detatching the handlebars from the main machine, removing the old button, and re-saudering a new one on before putting everything back together. If the thought of Monte operating a sauder gun anywhere near my machine makes you nervous, you're not the only one! However, I must say he did a very nice job and so far the button is working perfectly.
Monte was rather agreeable about fixing it, probably because fixing anything at our house means purchasing yet another tool we don't have, because apparantly there's always another tool we miraculously haven't purchased yet. Of course, Monte had to get a sauder gun. Plus, as he was fixing it he casually mentioned that he might stop today and purchase a new pair of pliers because his were getting "worn out." In the interests of keeping the peace, I decided not to point out that he has a drawer full of other pairs of pliers in the garage that work perfectly.
Oh well, he has his tools and I have my quilts, right?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My Books!
Last night Monte and I got quite a laugh from Will.
The kids were reading before bed, when Will came running into the living room with his Little Critter books in hand. These are some of his favorites, and he got a set of 3 for Christmas that he's very protective of.
Will's lip puckered as he ran to the me and said, "The girls say these are their's, but they're not, they're mine." He was so distraut over it he was about to cry.
I assured him that every one knows they are Will's books, and told him the girls were just trying to make him mad.
The next thing we hear is a noise from the kitchen. "Uh oh," I'm thinking, because Bailey's candy sales arrived yesterday and there was an open box on the counter. I looked at Monte, and he looked at me and mouthed "Candy?" We were certain Will was sneaking a piece or two or three, so Monte says loudly, "What are you doing?"
Much to our surprise, Will answers, "Putin' my name in my books," to which Monte and I both start laughing. Will is almost 4, and has just learned in the past few months to write his name.
We peaked around the corner of the kitchen and watched him as he bent over his books in concentration. He was so focused, he didn't notice us, even though we were both holding in our laughter. Inside of each book, on the cover, is a space that says "This book belongs to..." Will was busy writing his name in all 3 books. He wrote something, shook his head, "no," erased, rewrote, whispering to himself the whole time. "W......no...erase...circle.....there, my name."
When he finished, Will marched into the living room and announced, "There, I'm going to show the girls," and he promptly turns around and marches down the hall to make sure they know those are his books, leaving Monte and I laughing.
The kids were reading before bed, when Will came running into the living room with his Little Critter books in hand. These are some of his favorites, and he got a set of 3 for Christmas that he's very protective of.
Will's lip puckered as he ran to the me and said, "The girls say these are their's, but they're not, they're mine." He was so distraut over it he was about to cry.
I assured him that every one knows they are Will's books, and told him the girls were just trying to make him mad.
The next thing we hear is a noise from the kitchen. "Uh oh," I'm thinking, because Bailey's candy sales arrived yesterday and there was an open box on the counter. I looked at Monte, and he looked at me and mouthed "Candy?" We were certain Will was sneaking a piece or two or three, so Monte says loudly, "What are you doing?"
Much to our surprise, Will answers, "Putin' my name in my books," to which Monte and I both start laughing. Will is almost 4, and has just learned in the past few months to write his name.
We peaked around the corner of the kitchen and watched him as he bent over his books in concentration. He was so focused, he didn't notice us, even though we were both holding in our laughter. Inside of each book, on the cover, is a space that says "This book belongs to..." Will was busy writing his name in all 3 books. He wrote something, shook his head, "no," erased, rewrote, whispering to himself the whole time. "W......no...erase...circle.....there, my name."
When he finished, Will marched into the living room and announced, "There, I'm going to show the girls," and he promptly turns around and marches down the hall to make sure they know those are his books, leaving Monte and I laughing.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Quilting Product of the Week - Log Cabin Quilt Book

This week I've chosen Judy Martin's Log Cabin Quilt Book as the product of the week. I've been looking through this book, getting familiar with the quilts and wishing I had more free time to try some of them out. They are absolutely stunning, and every quilt is made using a variation of the log cabin block, possibly the easiest block ever!
This book features 16 specific quilt patterns, all in full color! Each one is as beautiful as the next, and they all include instructions for sizes from wall to king size. There are also pages of instruction on cutting log cabin strips for best results, visuals of many other settings to try out using the log cabin block, and some great general knowledge to help you quilt your best.
This book will allow you to create stunningly beautiful quilts that are 100 times easier than they appear!
CBS Morning News Link
Here is link to the CBS Sunday Morning News that featured Fall 07 Quilt Market. This is largely a piece about Ricky Tims, so if you're a fan of his, you will enjoy this a lot. Click on the "Quilts-for-Sale" link to view the broadcast. This requires a pretty fast connection, so if you have dial-up you may be waiting a while!
Quilting Goals for Today
I have a lot of quilting to get done today. It is Monday, my entire day at home (hopefully) and I have ambitious goals. First, I AM finishing Garden Friends today. I have to buttonhole the sunflowers, then attach the last two borders, and ta-da! It's done!
I have also decided that I have to get 2 large quilts quilted today. The first is already loaded on the machine, which is sometimes half the work.
Add this to the mountain of clean laundry waiting to be folded, a few beds to change, dishes to wash, and you have my day.
Since I managed to get Kylee off to school today, I already feel like I've fought the battle. She didn't get enough sleep last night, or the night before, which means she turns into an absolute bear! She spent the entire morning screaming because I wouldn't let her wear a tank top to school, even though she would "wear my big coat and zip it all the way." Then, she didn't want anything I offered her to eat. She was "cold" because of the shirt I'd picked out for her. Then, she climbed back in bed, from which I had to drag her and demand she finish getting ready. Of course, then she was "hungry." Then, her socks were "too big" and she had to change them. Plus, I didn't pick out the right shoes, and she hated what I made her for lunch so she was going to "forget it."
Yikes! Some body's going to bed early tonight! I sent her to school with her lunch in hand, a cereal bar to eat for breakfast, with gym shoes in her bag, and in the shirt I had picked out. So, I guess I won, but now I'm exhausted!
I have also decided that I have to get 2 large quilts quilted today. The first is already loaded on the machine, which is sometimes half the work.
Add this to the mountain of clean laundry waiting to be folded, a few beds to change, dishes to wash, and you have my day.
Since I managed to get Kylee off to school today, I already feel like I've fought the battle. She didn't get enough sleep last night, or the night before, which means she turns into an absolute bear! She spent the entire morning screaming because I wouldn't let her wear a tank top to school, even though she would "wear my big coat and zip it all the way." Then, she didn't want anything I offered her to eat. She was "cold" because of the shirt I'd picked out for her. Then, she climbed back in bed, from which I had to drag her and demand she finish getting ready. Of course, then she was "hungry." Then, her socks were "too big" and she had to change them. Plus, I didn't pick out the right shoes, and she hated what I made her for lunch so she was going to "forget it."
Yikes! Some body's going to bed early tonight! I sent her to school with her lunch in hand, a cereal bar to eat for breakfast, with gym shoes in her bag, and in the shirt I had picked out. So, I guess I won, but now I'm exhausted!
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