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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Friday, March 21, 2008

OK, I give up!

This is me, waving the white flag, at whoever wrote the pattern for the At Water's Edge quilt! I have spent the last two frustrating mornings trying to figure out what I'm missing, with no success. Since I don't give up easily, I will probably spend tomorrow morning trying to figure out how to change the pattern so that it actually works.

The blocks that are made up of 2, 1/2 rectangles sewn together are what's holding me up. The pattern says to square them up after making them, but in order to cut them down to the right size, you end up entirely cutting off the points. This means that my quilt is going to look funny because instead of forming points, the rectangle pieces are going to be flat on each end. No matter which way I cut it, the result is the same.

I guess these patterns are free for a reason! By the time I've figured out how to fix it, the fabric will probably be gone. Wish me luck!

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