Every once in awhile, a movie pops into my head that I loved as a child. When this happens, I usually decide to make sure my kids have the same viewing pleasure all kids of the 1980's shared. Last Fall, it was Harry and the Hendersons, which turned into 2 weeks of re-watching, and lots of hilarious questions about whether or not Bigfoot is real.
Last week, after we pulled out an old T.V. that happens to have a built in VHS player, the kids rediscovered our VHS collection. They were like pirates discovering lost treasure, and it just so happens that I still have the VHS of E.T. from when I was a kid. My kids watched is 2 weekends ago, and I have never seen them so glued to the screen for an entire movie!
In a seemingly unrelated event, my husband, I and some friends,went out this past Saturday night to listen to a local band. Being the big booz hound that I am (not), I awoke Sunday with a slight (ok.....massive) hangover. (And I wasn't even drunk enough to dance)
Perhaps I was feeling guilty, maybe I was trying to find something good from my misery, but I decided to use it as a teaching lesson on the affects of alcohol.
Half way through my enthralling speech on why my kids should never drink, I was explaining the term "drunk," and how a drunk person might be clumsy, stumble or fall. My two younger kids had a look of confusion, when suddenly a bright light bulb went on over Kylee's head.
(Kylee, Eyes wide, big, "I get it, now" smile) "Hey, like on E.T.! He drank the alcohol, and then he falls over!"
(Will, now sharing the same "I get it, now" smile) "Ohhhh Yeeeeaaahhhhh! I remember!"
Then, they both started walking around the living room, giggling, like drunk E.T. imitators.
I'm pretty sure this is the point where I decided to cut my losses and shelf the alcohol lesson for a few more years. Who knew E.T. could be so educational?