I wanted to share a couple funny things to brighten your day, they sure brightened mine.
First, Christmas Day, which I'm so happy I caught on our video camera so we can enjoy it for years to come. This year, my middle daughter Kylee was opening her presents. It was hectic and noisy with the sound of ripping paper as all 3 kids tore into their gifts, when suddenly Kylee proclaims loudly, "I just keep getting luckier and luckier!" She was professing her joy over the "Littlest Pet Shop" playground she'd just opened. The way she said it made Monte and I laugh, and I'm sure we'll laugh every time we watch the video. It reminds me so much of the funny family video we watch when we need a good laugh. That other family video involves a similar incident, only this time it was my sister and her excitement over a Billy Ray Cyrus poster!
And then there's Will, my doctor in training. He is still young enough to seriously and whole-heartedly believe anything I tell him. So, since we've talked a lot about washing your hands, and germs, etc. he is an avid hand washer and always uses soap. Kylee, on the other hand, never went through the stage where she believed everything I say, and will sneak out without washing every time!
The other day, I was leaving for work when Will wanted help putting his new Geotrax train set together. Kylee was in the bathroom, so I stopped on my way out and asked her through the door if she could help Will when she got out. Will stood behind me listening. Since I was running late, and couldn't stay to be the bathroom police, I added, "Be sure to flush and wash when you're done." Then, so unexpectedly, Will adds behind me, "Yeah, I don't want any yucky stuff on my Geotrax!" I laughed all the way to work, and I still laugh every time I think about it! Oh, how I wish he would stay so gullible to whatever I say forever!
Since I've bragged about my youngest children, I have to add that Bailey is no dummy herself. Right now, she is hard at work on her invention for science class--A microwave oven that prepares any food you like, Star Trek style! It's called the "Microwavonaitor," and it is voice activated--very high tech! Some day when she's a millionaire maybe she'll take care of her dear old mom!