I suppose it's about time to update my schedule again, if for no other reason than to help myself keep track of myself. So, here goes!
This weekend, May 9, 10, 11th, I will be hosting I SEW Shop Hoppers on Saturday from 9-6, at the quilt shop. Sunday, I will attempt to create a beautiful oasis in my as of yet
pathetic flower bed. Also on Sunday, I plan to beautify the space underneath our back deck with decorative rock, and bring the boat home from storage to prepare for a hopefully sunny Memorial Day Weekend! And last, don't forget the
Survivor finale Sunday evening!
Next week, beginning May 12th, I will be frantically trying to finish the following before Friday, the 16th: Having the transmission on my car serviced, finishing the flower bed that likely won't be done from the previous weekend, preparing for Portland Quilt Market (don't forget to watch for pictures!), and quilting as many quilt as humanly possible so I don't fall behind. (whoops......too late)
Sometime during this week, the new Holly Taylor fabrics, "Birchwood," will arrive. Watch for it on the website soon.
Wednesday, May 14th, I'll be going on the
Silverwood field trip with Bailey. I WILL NOT be riding the bus, as I discovered last year that it is super noisy, super slow, and doesn't make pit stops at Starbucks. (Who knew?)
Friday morning, bright and early, I'm headed for Portland! I've been waiting 6 months for Quilt Market to roll around again, and it's here! I'll be spending the weekend in quilting glory, shopping for new and exciting merchandise until I drop. I promise, I'm taking my computer with me! I'll spend the 2 weeks following Market trying to figure out how to use all of the awesome things I've seen.
Between Quilt Market and Memorial Day Weekend, I'll be praying for warm weather and sunshine. We're just itching for a weekend at the lake!