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Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Brings Out the Worst in My Kids

Ever since we put up our Christmas tree over a week ago, it's been the center of controversy. Silly me, thinking no one would notice that some kids have more presents than others. But no, 1 hour after the presents went out, they all wanted to know why Kylee has more than Bailey. Before I knew it I was giving a lecture to three kids, 11 and under, attempting to explain that one $40 present is equal to 2 $20 presents.

A few days later, Kylee tattled on Bailey, who had been carefully ripping tiny holes in select presents to find out what was inside.

Then today, Bailey and Will spilled the beans and told Kylee what they had gotten her.

To top it all off, after I scolded Bailey and Will for telling, I asked "You didn't tell each other what you got, did you?"

"No Mom," says Will, "Bailey and Kylee just told me that you forgot you had a son and you bought 3 girl presents."

Wow, only my kids......
Assuming we survive the 2 remaining days before all controversy is settled, I'm considering not putting presents or a tree up until Christmas Eve next year.

1 comment:

Kim West said...

That is why our presents don't go out until Christmas eve - all of them. I have enough stress with trying to keep the ornaments on the tree, much less the kids out of the presents.