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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Friday!

It's Friday! Hooray for the weekend, hopefully you find some time to visit your sewing or quilting machines. I have a light load for homework, my kids are visiting their dad, and other than working I will be spending time with my quilting machine for sure.
I have finally made time to upload the new Holly Taylor fabrics from Moda. You can find them under Dragonfly Summer in the online catalog. They are beautiful!
I also invested in a new camera recently. It is just a simple Kodak model, but it will do the job and I should be able to put pictures up much easier and more often now. I decided that repairing my Nikon was probably going to be more hassle and expense than it is worth right now, considering I'm not exactly an expert photographer. So, I will be posting pics again soon.
First up? Maybe a picture of the tablerunner I made Wednesday, followed by a picture of what my car looks like after Wednesday night.

No, I didn't make a cute quilted car cover for it.

Instead, I drove it into the broad side of a moose. Now my car is crunched and sad and needs major surgery. I, thankfully, am not crunched and do not need major surgery, but I am sad. And you should see the hot rod I get to drive 100 miles/day until my car is fixed....

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