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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Snow, Snow, and more Snow!!!

This week's weather here has me wondering if I should move South! We woke up to 6" of new snow, on top of at least 6" we already had. Of course, I had parked outside last night because Monte's 4-Wheeler was in my garage spot, so I had the pleasure of brushing my car off before I could leave. By the time I got to the quilt shop, and then shoveled the sidewalk off here, I'd had my fill of snow! It is still snowing today at noon, so who knows how much we'll end up with when it decides to stop. Days like today, I'm sure I was born into the wrong family. Surely I was meant for a family from Florida, Texas, or Arizona??
Even though the snow makes it impossible to do anything but stay home, I can't seem to get any quilting done! I've already told myself that I have to turn that longarm on when I get home, yet I can't get excited about it. So far this week, I've only managed to quilt a small door banner for the shop. Monte has this week off from work, and when he's home, plus all 3 kids, it's hard to get into any sort of routine. Monte was not made for vacation! He has spend all week complaining about needing something to do. I guess my to-do list isn't good enough, although it's plenty long enough!!! I can't seem to talk him into finishing the trim in the bathroom, or finally cleaning the garage!
My son is getting over Pink Eye, which he came down with Christmas Eve. Of course, everything but the ER was closed by then, and rather than pay hundreds for an ER visit, I took him to the doctor the 26th instead. Nothing like spending Christmas vacation sick!
The new year is looking exciting already. There is so much new fabric on order, it is like Christmas to me every time I get a shipment! The hardest part has been limiting myself, and not choosing fabrics that only I love, but fabrics that I love and that will sell well. It is always a challenge, and I only hope I choose wisely! The new fabrics need to sell well, so I can buy more new fabric for the Summer and Fall!
Hopefully you all are getting more quilting done than I am. As the excitement of the holidays winds down, I hope that I will find new motivation!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Hello-I just found your shop, and blog, and wanted to say 'Hi' and "Good luck!" with your shop!

Also have to comment on the Pink-Eye/Doctor Visit thing...I am literally laughing out loud about just waiting until the 26th to take your son in!!! I have 3 kids also, and would have done the same thing...I'm always telling myself, "What doesn't kill them makes them stronger", and "They are building up their immune systems"! ROFL!

Glad you joined the blogging world!