You might remember I promised after Quilt Market to introduce you to my new friend Rosie? Well, Rosie looks something like this picture, and is owned by my friend Vicki. Rosie came in very handy the entire weekend, especially since my driving while reading the mapquest directions tended to make my passengers nervous! Rosie got us safely to our hotel, to Market, to the warehouse Saturday evening, and told us where every Starbucks for 100 miles was located! I gotta get me one those!
It was on the way home that Rosie failed us, but only because we confused her. We were pretty sure we remembered how we'd come, so when we turned off the Interstate to head toward Kennewick we were surprised when Rosie quickly became irritated with us, telling us to "Turn Left," and then "Turn Left in .1 miles," sending us back the way we'd come, right back onto the freeway.
We spend the next few miles discussing how we were so sure we'd come that way before, while Vicki tried to reconfigure Rosie and make sure we were going the right way. "Why does she say we won't be getting home until 4am?" we wondered, since we were quite sure we should be home around 10pm.
Only after Vicki discovered that Rosie mistakenly thought we lived in Boise, instead of Deary, did we realize that we had been right all along. With a few quick entries, Rosie corrected us, sending us off the freeway, then left, and "Sharply Left!" (She was quite irritated with us by this time) and back again the way we'd come. We made a 20 mile circle, and it ended up we'd turned correctly the first time all along!
Seriously, we loved having our own private driving director. If you've never used a GPS, you'd be surprised how useful they are. Rosie gave perfect directions (as long as we told her correctly where we wanted to go.) Type in any location, any restaurant or business name, and get voice commands, turn by turn. If only we would have asked her, I'm sure Rosie would have told us we'd driven by the last gas station leaving Portland for 50 miles, saving us that harrowing retracing of our steps with the gas light on! I am seriously getting one soon!
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