Later that afternoon, the town held a "burn off" contest, right up the highway through town, of course right in front of the bar. It was a classic hillbilly, small town scene, with everything from show cars to mini-vans squealing their tires up the street. I must admit, I totally don't get it. As an observer, once you've seen one you've seen them all, and who wants to breath exhaust fumes and burning rubber that long anyways? As a driver, who wants to use up half the life or more of your tires in a few minutes. Have you seen the price of tires lately? I almost never like "silly" things, and this looks like the very definition of "silly" to me. I know, I'm a spoil sport and a party pooper, but nothing about this looks fun to me.
Will asked me,"Mom, what are they doing?"
"They're spinning their tires," I replied.
"Can we go home, now?" was his response to that, and I have to say, I think a tear of pride rolled down my cheek as we headed home.
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