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Welcome to my blogs, where I work to inspire and motivate others. I love sharing the art of quilting with others. I also love living a meaningful, healthy life, and teaching my children to do the same. Join me here to find out what works for me, and how you can use it in your own life!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

More Snow

The night before last, we received over 6 inches of new snow. Monte gets up around 4am to go to work, and he was less than excited about it! First, our power was out, so his boots weren't dry and his coffee wasn't made. Then, I left our big broom at the quilt shop, so he couldn't use it to brush all the snow off his pickup. (If his latest project wasn't taking up 1/2 the garage, he wouldn't have to worry about it! More on that later.) So, it didn't start off to be a good day for Monte.
The kids were home from school, which was actually great. I didn't have to peel them out of bed, since they suddenly want to sleep in whenever it's a school day. They had a great time playing in the snow all afternoon, and I actually got some quilting done!
I also plowed our driveway, so Monte didn't have to when he got home after 6:00. Since our blade isn't on our 4wheeler, I had to ride my Dad's across town. What a cold ride, since I didn't bring gloves or a hat! After I warmed up, I put my winter clothes on and plowed the driveway. So, when Monte gets home he says, "Who plowed our driveway, your dad?" "I did!" I reply, slightly annoyed. Then he has the nerve to say, "Well, you didn't do too bad." Seriously, would it kill him to give a real compliment, how about a simple "thanks"? What does that mean, anyways, "too bad" as opposed to what? Really bad? It's snowing again today, already several new inches. Maybe I'll plow all the snow to his side this time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, hot roddin' mama! Couldn't have been that bad if he thought dad, the expert plow man, did it. Where's my pictures?!