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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Toilet Trouble

Saturday night I was quilting and listening to my iPod, when the song "God Bless the American Housewife" by SheDaisy came on. This song is especially funny since my son really did once "flush my wedding ring." It's a funny story, which leads to another funny story, that hopefully will bring you a laugh!

After losing the entire center setting out of my wedding ring several years ago, I quit wearing it 24/7 and started only wearing it when I was out. Add this to the fact that I'm slightly (ok, maybe very) scatterbrained, and my ring would end up left all sorts of places. By the sink, on the mantel, in a window sill, etc. It drives Monte crazy, so when I misplaced it and couldn't find it for over a week, he was really irritated. I just kept telling him, "It'll turn up somewhere" because it always did.

About that same time, Will was going through a phase of obsession with flushing the toilet. He would flush it repeatedly until it overflowed, often with paper towels in it. It caused many toilet issues, to say the least! Soon the toilet was completely plugged, and we resorted to removing it to find out what was wrong.
After pulling the toilet from the floor, Monte had to take it outside and use our garden hose to blast water through it, trying to find what was blocking it. Monte has a weak stomach when it comes to bodily functions, so he refused to use it hands. When he was done, he came walking upstairs with his hands behind his back, saying "Come here, I've got something for you." I informed him that there was nothing in that toilet that I wanted in my hands, so he pulls from behind his back my wedding ring. He had found it blocking the toilet, along with a matchbox car, some paper towels, and some Bratz doll clothes. Although slightly banged up around the band, my ring was all in one piece!

We still aren't sure how the ring got there. We know who flushed the rest of the stuff, but I don't know if Will flushed the ring, or if maybe one of the girls was "trying it on" and dropped it into the bowl. So far, no one's fessing up!

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